Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Really on MC this time

Yes. It's true. I kid you not. I'm really on MC this time. Why? It's simple - i'm down with flu, fever, headache, and throat infection. *whines* And i think i can proudly put this big blame onto the crappy air-cond office in CS. The air-cond system is centralized... and only a few miserable people (including myself) turned up for work last Saturday bumming around in the office for more than half of the day. And not to forget, freezing our butts off while attempting to call customers and also hoping that one lucky customer will pick up our call on a lazy Saturday afternoon.

It's ridiculous, really... to be working on a Saturday. IT SUCKS!

It's pointless... totally pointless to ask your employees to come to work on a Saturday where the air-cond is killing them and the call report on Saturday is so poor. Have you guys heard about productive efficiency and allocative efficiency? If yes, please think of a way to change this crappy way of managing a company. If not, please refer to any Economics book.

Conclusion? I'm sick because of my company. I'm sick because of the bloody freezing air-cond in my office. I'm sick because i worked from 9.30am till 6.30pm last Saturday! Really hate it when i'm being forced to do something. Arrrgggghhh....

*grumbles and grumbles like an old woman*

Reminder : The blogger herself is feeling so sick today that she can only blog about her sickness and the cause of it. The blogger will blog about other interesting stuff when she thinks she's feeling better. So for the time being, please bear with it...

*coughs* *sneezes* *throat irritation* *eyes swollen* *headache*



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