Friday, March 17, 2006

The brand new layout.

Yes, i have a spanking brand new layout. But for now, i'm still stressing myself out by figuring how to include comments on my blog. Argh. I've already signed up for Haloscan. But looks like it isn't successful yet.

Enough of talking about my blog template. I guess i'm having a slight headache now due to the many hours spent in front of this damn monitor. >.< Seems like i'm torturing myself. No? Argh. I do things like changing my blog layout just to kill time. It hurts to be THIS FREE when everybody you know is busy doing their own things. Yes. Really.


Hmm, i wonder when will NUS and NTU's gonna reply me. Been checking my application status enquiry for both Unis once in a while by going to their respective websites and type in my application number and password and all i get is the same old answer -- Your current status is : Application processing. I know i'm impatient because they will only let you know by May or June. So yeah, i dunno what's my reason of always checking my application status enquiry when i actually know when will i get a (hopefully decent) reply from them. How contradicting.


I guess i need to stay away from this damn monitor for a while. My eyes can't take it anymore. Will try to figure out how to include comments in my blog later on. =S If anyone of you who are reading this knows how to include comments (preferably haloscan), please tell me ok! Your efforts will be very much appreciated. ;)

The sun is on-so-hot. As usual. =/


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