Sunday, February 5, 2006

The Weird Yina

I was tagged by Wei Jian quite some time ago. Since i have too much of free time right now, i shall do this for all of you people's pleasure. Enjoy. ;)

Below Are The Rules:
Rule 1: List 5 weird or random things about myself.
Rule 2: 5 people whom I want to do the quiz.
Rule 3: Next, leave a comment "you are tagged" on their blog and ask them to read your blog for rules.

1. I have a bit of the Obsessive Complusive Disorder (OCD). Obsessions are intrusive, irrational thoughts -- unwanted ideas or impulses that repeatedly well up in a person's mind. In my case, i will tend to worry whether everything is in place or not before i sleep or go out. Yes, EVERYTHING including my hair. Compulsions are repetitive rituals such as handwashing, counting, checking, hoarding, or arranging. An individual repeats these actions, perhaps feeling momentary relief, but without feeling satisfaction or a sense of completion. For me, i have to wash my mouth and hands after a meal even though they're not oily provided there's water for me to use lar. However, these small 'OCD' activities do not interfere with my life. So it's not a big deal after all. XD

2. I LOVE TO DRINK SOUP. Yes. SOUPS. All kinds of soups except for those bitter ginseng soup. Sometimes, when my mum din prepare any soup during dinner/lunch, i will go make myself a bowl of marmite soup. Yum yum yum! I prefer Bovril soup but my mum doesn't allow me to drink it. So yup, i've switched to drinking marmite. But then again, if i had a chance, i would buy Bovril! Haha. I also like to eat mee hoon soup, kuey teow soup, mee soup, 'lou shi fun' soup, maggi mee soup, TOM YAM SOUP, SHARKS FIN SOUP, and of coz... STEAMBOAT coz it's all about soup! XD Haha. Yes yes yes... now some of you will know that i'm a soup-drinker. *waves hand* It is a fact and i'm definitely proud of this soup-drinker identity of mine. XD

3. I hate eating bread for breakfast and fruits after dinner. I know it's the norm to be having bread for breakfast and fruits after dinner, but it is just not my cup of tea. I will eat bread unless i have no other choices e.g. staying in hostel or forced to eat bread at home. I would rather drink just plain water or cold milo for breakfast if you offer me a slice of bread (think gardenia). My ideal type of breakfast would be a bowl of century egg porridge, two half-boiled eggs, and a glass of iced milo. I tend to not eat fruits after dinner coz i think it may lead to indigestion. Haha. One should eat fruits before meals. It's healthier. Really.

4. I hate drinking milk. I only drink CHOCOLATE milk. Yeah, really. Drinking milk is like drinking someone's vomit. >.< Yucks! I hate full-cream milk powder especially. Can't imagine how i could stand the smell and taste of milk powder when i was an infant. Eeeewwww....

5. I can't do cursive-writing even if someone were to pay me RM10k for me to do so. I just can't! It's almost impossible for me to write in cursive coz since kindergarten i was trained to write in STRAIGHT handwriting. Sad but true. That's why i always admire those who can write in cursive. Sometimes i will force myself to write in cursive but still, it's like an impossible task. I suck real badly when it comes to cursive writing, like some five-year old kid learning how to write her name. That bad.

I hope the 5 weird facts about me are weird enough. Haha. I have some weirder ones but i guess it's for my own knowledge only. =P Guess that's all for this post of mine, i'm feeling grumpy and hungry at the same time. >.< Not enough food, too much of sleep!!!! Arrrgggggghh.......

i miss my baby a lot. *sniffs*


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