Monday, September 26, 2005

Got this from THE STAR Education section :

Gardner’s original listing in his book Frames of Mind (1983) suggested seven distinct intelligences:
Verbal-linguistic: where language is your strong point.
Logical-mathematical: where logic and numbers are your forte.
Visual-spatial: for people who work best with images.
Musical-rhythmic: for those who are musically inclined.
Bodily-kinaesthetic: where body movement and touch rule.
Interpersonal: where relating to others is your strength.
Intrapersonal: for those gifted wit strong personal insight and deliberation.

Yeah...i did the quiz on the papers which covers the 7 styles and common forms of education materials. And guess what... I have Verbal-linguistic intelligence !!


People with strong verbal-linguistic skills are good with language. If you fall into this category, you tend to think in words, and learn best by listening, reading and discussing new information.
Take notes during class, highlight important passages in your textbook and enlist a study partner to help you go over them. Also consider putting your notes on tape.

Verbal/linguistic learners make excellent writers and lawyers!

It's hard to believe but still it's true to a certain extent... hahaha! *winks*

Yup yup... i will work harder on this intelligence of mine and make the most of my learning style. And yes... i'm gonna start awakening the genius in ME...


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