Thursday, April 24, 2008

It all started with a pair of wings.

Life is pretty hectic here recently in Gippyland, assignments coming in altogether as usual. What's new? -.-

It's really a vicious cycle I must say. But i guess i'm pretty used to it by now considering the fact that by the end of this semester, I would have completed Year 2! *gasp

Oh wells. Assignments are a fact of life. Or should I say university students are robots in disguise?

Since I just handed in one freaking major assignment which is worth a whooping 50% on Tuesday morning, I decided to let go, let my hair down and have some fun last night! And boy, it was pretty good. ;)

Spotted this tarzan on our way to the union lounge. Damn freaking hilarious la. The angmohs here really took the time and effort (and moolah) to dress up for this event.

Me, Sam, and Benny. My housemates who never fail to cheer me up. :)

Benny was transformed into Gandalf that very night. ;)

And Sam was WonderWoman that night! Woooo!

Grace was dressed up as a Hawaiian gal. Hehe.

Residents of West House 10 (where's Peter?).

This is Peter! One of my housemates as well... and he's an RA (Resident Advisor).

I was supposed to dress up as my favourite fairy - Tinkerbell. Haha!

Again, residents of West House 10. ;)

With Arjun! :) He was an elf and he looked REALLY like an elf last night. lol
Xin Yi, Hollie, Me.

Xin Yi and I. Teehee.
Girls only.

The fairy and the butterfly. That's Ivy. ;)
Selenge and I. :)

Mitchell and I.

It was a blast I must say. There were people dressing up as pirates, fairies, teletubbies (yes, me no kidding), monkey, frog, tarzan, robbers, vodka cruiser bottles (it was hilarious!), superman, and even snow white!

Went back to my room as a happy Tinkerbell, only lacking the ability to fly. -.-
And now it's back to being a proper human being who needs to face the reality that she has 3 major assignments due in the next two weeks. =/

Oh how I wish i'm really a fairy...

And it all started with a pair of wings... ;)


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