Friday, December 23, 2005

The eve of the eve of Christmas.

Been going out pretty often nowadays. I have a i-just-wanna-go-out syndrome. Or no... perhaps i'm just directing my mind to other things so that i don't have to think about the future? The future is so uncertain and yet human beings gotta crack their brains to make the best decisions in their lives. Isn't that ironic? And the toughest part is that only WE can make the decisions regarding our future ourselves as this is our OWN future, not other people's future.

To be honest, i hate having decisions. Especially IMPORTANT decisions that can shape my life or mould my future. I suck at making decisions. Everyone knows that. Whenever i chose an outfit or a piece of clothing that is 'appealing' to me, the people around me will start commenting. "Eeeekk...nice meh?" "Aiyoh...choose something better lar." "Yucks." "Oh my god, are you ok?"

Do i have bad taste? Well...i seriously dunno. I might. I might not. I don't mind if i have bad taste when it comes to fashion. I just wanna have real good taste when it comes to life. What i really want to do in life. And to be successful in life that is...

Anyways. Enough of my ramblings. Been thinking about my future too much lately... until to the extent that i had trouble sleeping. o.O I'm so paranoid. Sigh. All i really wanna do now is to stop myself from thinking about the future (wanna escape from reality) but to enjoy the christmassy atmosphere around me. Watched 2 movies in a week. King Kong and Perhaps Love. Nice movies i must say. King Kong was a bit too long though but the king kong was cute. >.<

1 more hour to the eve of Christmas Day. How time flies. Seriously, it's freaking the shit outta me. 2005 is gonna end soon... just like that (?!). Year-ends always make me want to reflect upon my whole year. What I've done and what i've failed to do. The last week of the year is always the perfect time for us to do some serious reflections in life. By doing so, we will know where we are heading to, we will know whether our directions in life are right or wrong, and eventually we will gain success in life and become a better person as a whole.

For the time being, leave your reflections for next week. It's time to celebrate the birth of Christ and to spread joy and laughter to the people around us. God bless. =)


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