Friday, March 7, 2008

Keep your cool

The weather here is really unpredictable.

Why I said so? Because all of a sudden, when I decided to wake up for my 10am Screen Theories and Techniques class, it was actually raining outside. I can literally hear the sound of the rain splattering on the roof just outside my room.

It was so, so calm and peaceful - perfect for a sleep-in.

And the next thing I decided to do was - "Screw this class, i'm gonna sleep-in and I shall decide what to do to make up for it later on when I wake up."

And yes, i was happily sleeping away while the rest of the class was watching Casablanca.

And the weather's so good right now, with the sun shining bright and strong. See? So unpredictable. -.-

Thank God for DC++. I've got Casablanca! (:

For those who wanna watch a good film, go watch Juno. Highly recommended. (:


Last weekend was well spent in Melbourne city. Thanks Douglas! ;)

Myer connecting to David Jones.

This is the dude who gave me his bed for 3 nights while he slept in the hall. Thanks Douglas! (: He's actually a family friend of mine - my mum's classmate's son.

I was there last weekend. Beside Southern Cross station, along Spencer St.

This place is very, very bad for the wallet.

Get what I mean?

Oh, Douglas brought me to Ikea too. Gotten a quilt cover set and it looks as if I'm sleeping on bananas now. lol.

Very yellow mellow colour.

While I was in the city, we went yum-cha TWICE at the same bubble tea shop. -.- Pretty happening because the shop opens till 3am.

Never imagine I could actually sip bubble tea right here in Melbourne! :D

And on Sunday morning, we actually attended the morning mass at a catholic church nearby. It's all holy and good. It made me feel good again because I was once again back to familiarity, with all the familiar hymns and prayers. (:

Besides all the shopping and eating, I was practically munching on Krispy Kreme most of the time. Yes, they're very very very unhealthy but finger-licking good donuts! :D

The oh-so-famous Australian donuts. Me loves! :)

Self-reminder: Time to plan what to do for my Easter break.


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