Monday, March 3, 2008

For all couples out there

My woman from the States wants all my friends who are currently dating someone to do the following survey. So if you're currently in a relationship, feel free to complete the survey. It won't take too much of your time I promise. Heh.

Perceptions of Happiness in Relationships Study Psychology researchers at the University of Rochester are looking for people at least 18 years old and in romantic relationships to complete a short survey. CLICK BELOW IF INTERESTED. The Perceptions of Happiness in Relationships Survey. Is VOLUNTARY and ANONYMOUS. Takes 20-30 minutes to complete. Offers extensive feedback on your personality and relationship.

Perceptions of Happiness in Relationships Survey - Title Pg

The Perceptions of Happiness in Relationships Study Ronald D. Rogge, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, University of Rochester Department of Clinical and Social Sciences in Psychology.

Thanks in advance, for those who did the survey! :D


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