Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Bus Crash No More.

*this post is a sticky. Scroll down for more postings.

We, the concerned youths of Malaysia express appalled anger towards the incident that claimed the life of Lee Nian Ning and two others on the 25th of January 2008. This is not the first time that such an incident has occurred. Despite numerous complaints and public uproar in the past, incidents like this continue to occur. It was reported that the driver’s company had 13 summonses on that bus itself. We find it unacceptable that such a company could have operated that vehicle on the road.

What are the explanations?

Hundreds of thousands of university students just like Nian Ning and us rely on such public transport to travel back home. A human life should not be taken lightly.

How could a vehicle with 13 summonses be free on the roads and not be held by the authorities?
We, the following, hereby demand that the relevant authorities set up a committee consisting of road safety experts and representatives from relevant public bodies to conduct a thorough study to find effective solutions to ensure that mistakes like this do not occur again in the future.

We will not quiet up until we see it in the media that satisfactory measures have been taken.To sign the petition, please send your FULL NAME and IC NUMBER to

We thank you for your co-operation. Let us pray for those who have died to make way for change and keep our fingers crossed that someone, anyone will hear us and enforce that change.

Please put this in forums, bulletins, emails, blogs.....everywhere. We need all the support we can get. This is for you as well.

For more info, please go to .

Please help by signing the petition. YOU can make a difference.


On an unrelated note, I can literally hear the ticking sound of the clock. And yes, a reminder for me - 11 days more before i fly off to Melbourne. Time to start stuffing all my stuff (very important and not-so-important ones) into two big suitcases.

Thank you Singapore Airlines for the 40 killer kilograms.


Blogger Unknown said...

Oh man! that sucks!
sigh sigh,
is it an unavoidable accident?
or one's fault for sure?

10:27 PM 

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