Wednesday, October 6, 2004

Another meaningful message to read....enjoy!

Life is indeed very fragile. One should not take things for granted in life, but be appreciative and value all those around us. Face every trial and tribulation as a challenge and make life more meaningful for others before we leave this world...

I read this line somewhere in THESTAR papers and it has always stayed on my mind. I would like to share it here with you guys : " The beauty of life itself does not depend on how happy you are...but on how happy others can be...because of YOU ".

Each one of us is different in a way or another. That is what makes each one of us unique and have our own characteristics and personalities. The special and unique characterisitics and personalities that each one of us have can make an impact on someone's life...that is why...each of one us has the ability to make a difference in other people's life! Go ahead and make a difference in someone's life today...for we live only ONCE...and so we gotta make the most out of today...and never regret the things that we did in the past...

LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST... Mix Master hehehehehe......god bless...


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